From the Crypt | Apr 2012

Corey Curtiss - Ann Arbor No. 86 Avatar.gif

Greetings Companions,

I hope this message finds you and your families doing well!

Our regularly scheduled March School of Instruction was cancelled as our new Arch Deputy was otherwise detained.We will be rescheduling it for our Council meeting on Monday, April 16th at 6:30 p.m. We are starting early as the Chapter and Commandery will be conducting its annual meeting and elections that night as well. I hope you can be in attendance to receive some excellent instruction on the degree work of the Cryptic rite.

It’s my sad duty to inform you of the passing of Past Grand Master, Most Illustrious Companion Bill Skrepnek, 33 degree on the morning of 21 March 2012.Please keep his widow, Lady Doris in your prayers. I had the pleasure of being present during the installation proceedings of Flushing Lodge in December 2011.Bill performed every part (except that of Marshal of course) word perfect and with great enthusiasm.He will be greatly missed.

The weather here in southeastern Michigan is unseasonably warm.I hope you’re enjoying it!And to our Companions in other states:we miss you!Until our next meeting!

Yours in Cryptic Masonry,

Corey F. Curtiss

Thrice Illustrious Master

Ann Arbor Council #86