Commander's Comments | Mar 2012

Corey Curtiss - Ann Arbor No 13 Avatar.gif

Sir Knights,

I hope this communication finds you and your family well.Please send along prayer requests or any other updates to or 734-506-8272 or to our Recorder or Prelate.

This Chivalric year almost draws to a close as does my two year reign as Commander.I am looking forward to turning the saddle over to Sir Knight Brandon Mullins who has exceptional passion for Templar Masonry and will do many great things in his tenure as Commander of our Commandery.

To keep you up to speed, in the past months I have had the pleasure of representing our Commandary at a number of Battalion events and was even able to take a few parts in a number of the ceremonies down in Samaria a few weeks ago.We are also deep into planning our upcoming Commandery Inspection which has been proposed for August 18 before the State Commandary Conclave this year. The outgoing and incoming Commanders of our sister Commandery in Ypsilanti are even now hard at working planning this spectacular event so we hope to see you there.Would you like to take a part?Please let us know soon, before your favorite part is taken!

Our new members Ken Landstrom and Jim Piper, have been quite active and even have been visiting other Commanderies.

In addition, we will be sending a contingent to the Detroit Masonic Temple and Detroit Commandery #1 to watch the portrayal of the Order of the Temple in full chain mail and period regalia by a visiting Preceptory. Please mark your calendars for March 24th and get your reservations in as this is sure to be a spectacular event. You can find more information in the Michigan insert of the current edition of the Knight Templar magazine which should be hitting your mailboxes now.

We also have handsome certificates commemorating your Knighting if you might not have received them in previous years.We have limited quantities of both an old edition and the larger and colorful new edition for $15.Please contact Excellent Prelate, Brandon Mullins at to order them and his lovely lady Puja will write your name and information in a beautiful fashion.

Our next regular conclave and dinner will take place 19 March 2012 at Calvary Methodist Church.We hope to see you there! Please let us know if you need a ride!

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam,

Corey F. Curtiss, PEC
